
Fjord Fuzz

Delay with built-in preamp-like fuzz and repeats-limiter feature.

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BIFROST is a delay that adds a bit of drive, a very cool fuzz that takes you from crispy, clean preamp tones, to very heavy and bold fuzz. You can also disengage it completely via internal push button switch.

Furthermore, a favourite trick with delays has always been turning the feedback to max and playing the pitch with the time knob, but this leads to two obvious challenges:

1: The feedback becomes so loud you start worrying about blowing up your amp.

2: You have to actually bend over and fiddle your knobs with your hands.

Both of these issues were fixed. The feedback has a hard limiter installed, helping you avoid volume issues, but it also squeezes the repeats in a really cool way. This is important for one very special feature:
A secondary feedback knob was added, switchable via foot switch and an expression pedal input for the delay time control. This in turn gives you hands free operation of the UFO crash landings of your dreams, and the limiter squeezes the delays in a way that makes the whole thing sound like some kind of broken theremin. It’s amazing.

You can obviously also change the delay time on the fly wether or not you’re using self-oscillation or fuzz, and we find it to be a much more musical feature than a tap-tempo module. You have to bend and morph in and out of time and it’s a really wonderful thing. It allows you to add faux vibrato, flanger, chorus and whammy effects to whatever you’re doing and you never have to actually change the time knob, as its disconnected when you plug in the exp pedal.

So much fun. We expect you to get at least 10 new songs out of this thing.

Useful specs:

Power with 9VDC, centre tip negative. Same as Boss Pedals. Easy.

Current draw is quite high as I’m using logic based relay switching.

Idle: ~50mA

One foot switch engaged: ~110mA

Both foot switches engaged: ~160mA

Expression pedal defeats onboard time knob automatically when connected.
Use a regular mono jack and an expression pedal with a maximum resistance of at least 50k ohm.
50k ohm yields a delay time of 600mS, 100k ohm yields a delay time of 1200mS.
Longer delays send the clock noise way down into hearable range.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg

Fjord Fuzz

Handmade in:


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